TRICONEX 3009 Safety instrumentation system

TRICONEX 3009LAM 810-802902-208
LAM 853-312741-001
LAM 853-312741-001
LAM 810-802901-004
LAM 0100-03974
LAM 0100-04221W
LAM 332-000474-000
LAM 504722-09301324
LAM 605-064676-003
LAM 605-064676-003
LAM 605-109114-002
LAM 810-013872-108
LAM 810-028295-170
LAM 810-028296-160
LAM 810-048219-015
LAM 810-073479-005
LAM 810-328372-007
LAM 810-335630-402
LAM 810-800082-309
LAM 810-800082-311

Category: Tag:



The TRICONEX 3009 module is a key component in Schneider Electric’s Triconex family of safety Instrumentation systems (SIS). It is a high-performance, highly reliable Enhanced Main Processor (UMP) module that is primarily used to build safety instrumentation systems to ensure the safety of industrial processes.

Product name and model
Product name: Triconex 3009 Enhanced main processor

Model: 3009
Product description
The TRICONEX 3009 module acts as the heart of the safety instrumentation system and handles all safety-related functions in the system, including:

Security logic: Implement complex security logic functions to ensure that the system can react in time when failure occurs.
Data processing: Processing signals from various sensors and actuators for data acquisition, analysis and processing.

Communication: Communication with other modules and systems to achieve information exchange and control.